Language Acquisition Theory
Helping English Language Learners Orientation for Teachers
Language Acquisition Theory- Acquisition vs. Learning, Stephen Krashen & Tracy Terrell Acquisition -Subconscious -Similar to first language development -Focus is on needs and interest of students -All attempts at communication are praised and reinforced; errors are accepted as developmental -Involves student-centered Situational activities Learning -Conscious -Knowing about language -Focus is on grammar -Corrections of errors Involves drills and grammar exercises Implications for Classroom Teaching:  Teachers should devote most class time to acquisition activities.  Learning activities should play a smaller role in the classroom, and can also be done as homework.
Language Acquisition- All children learn or acquire their first language (the language they speak at home) and their second language (English).  There is a difference between “learning” language and “acquisition” of language.  The term “acquisition” is used to emphasize the natural processes and ways that a child acquires a language. The term “learning” can be used generally or to emphasize “formal learning” of a language such as in a grammar class. (Enhancing English Language Learning in Elementary Classroom)
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