Can Do Descriptors
Helping English Language Learners Orientation for Teachers

What are Can Do Descriptors?

For teachers unfamiliar with the ELP standards, the CAN DO Descriptors provide a starting point for working with ELLs and a collaborative tool for planning. As teachers become comfortable with the Descriptors, the standards’ matrices can be introduced. The CAN DO Descriptors are also general enough to be appropriate to share with students’ family members to help them understand the continuum of English language development.  The following are pdf files that will download when you click on the link.  They will not open up until you click on the downloaded file. Pre-K CAN DO Descriptors Grades 1-2 CAN DO Descriptors Grades 3-5 CAN DO Descriptors Grades 6-8 CAN DO Descriptors Grades 9-12 CAN DO Descriptors PreK-Grade 12 CAN DO Descriptors CAN DO Research Brief
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