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Instructing ELLs

Needs of English

Language Learners

Accepting Environment Recognition of culture ESL instruction Meaningful Context Academic Context Academic Language Content Instruction Consideration for Testing and Daily Assignments 

Accelerators to

English Language


 -Purpose of using language is real and natural-focus is on communication -Acceptance of all language attempts made-promotes confidence -Modeling of correct grammar as students responses is restated - Students speak only when they’re ready-not forced too soon -Language has a purpose for the learner
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Roadblocks to ELLs

-Overemphasis on

correctness-“No, that’s not

the right way to say it” -

Students are forced to

speak-major cause of poor

articulation and grammatical

control, as well as stress


-Students are forced to

complete work above their

competence level-above their

stage of development in

language acquisition

Acquisition vs Learning
Language Acquisition- All children learn or acquire their first language (the language they speak at home) and their second language (English).  There is a difference between “learning” language and “acquisition” of language.  The term “acquisition” is used to emphasize the natural processes and ways that a child acquires a language. The term “learning” can be used generally or to emphasize “formal learning” of a language such as in a grammar class. (Enhancing English Language Learning in Elementary Classroom)
Language Acquisition Theory- Acquisition vs. Learning,  Stephen Krashen & Tracy Terrell Acquisition  -Subconscious -Similar to first language development -Focus is on needs and interest of students -All attempts at communication are praised and reinforced; errors are accepted as developmental - Involves student-centered Situational activities Learning -Conscious -Knowing about language -Focus is on grammar -Corrections of errors Involves drills and grammar exercises Implications for Classroom Teaching:  Teachers should devote most class time to acquisition activities.  Learning activities should play a smaller role in the classroom, and can also be done as homework.  

English Language Learners Resources
